We run a free to access Summer School, which is open to all with no audition process, for young people aged 6-16.
Open Summer School is back from 22 to 26 July, 10 am to 4 pm. The venue is the City of Liverpool College Art Centre, Myrtle Street L7 7JA. As our summer school partner, the college has provided us with the use of their fantastic performing arts spaces, musical equipment and technical support for the duration of the summer school. We are excited to deliver a variety of art forms delivered by our partners Catalyst Performing Arts, Liverpool’s Royal Court and Positive Impact for all participants this year. A packed lunch will be provided for all participants. Please remember to tell us on the registration form any dietary needs or allergies that you have.
We are inviting you to register for summer school at the link below. Summer school is extremely popular, in order not to be disappointed please complete and send the form back to us as soon as possible.
Registration for 2024 is closed. 2025 registration will open towards the end of the school year.
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at either of the following emails UmaD@liverpoolsroyalcourt.com or vpark@liverpoolsroyalcourt.com.